Facebook changed their privacy settings recently. Did you know that? Cmon, you have to have known that. Every news media outlet has run some sort of story on it. Facebook is invading your privacy, taking your pictures, your thoughts, your very soul! Actually...that might have been in the terms of service for real. Either way, they did, its done, its changed. So what the heck does that mean for you, the common Facebook user. Well, it means the website is going to demand more info out of you if you want more customization, but it also means the info you give won't necessarily be just yours. You like cats. That's great, i think they're funny. Now you're in the Everyone Loves Cats club. Don't want to be? Tough shit. You said you like cats god damn it so Facebook is making you branch out. Its almost like when parents force their kids onto the playground telling them to "socialize!" Except in this case you're old enough to notice the pedobear dressed in the purple track suit. He likes cats...and...other stuff. My point being, this new Facebook, it does a lot. There are a lot of things that it adds to the interwebz that actually make it kind of neat. But there may be some stuff you may not want to go along with. Me? Well, I don't care for people having access to my photo albums, but I am cool with letting everyone in the known world know how awesome Kung Pow: Enter the Fist is. Seriously...watch it. Life...Changing.

I digress, for those of you who want to make your own decisions about this stuff, here is a link to help guide you. Don't say I never do anything for you.
Facebook Lockdown
Serious though...don't say anything. I hate being reminded of my lack of charity.
Note: My spell check underlines Facebook. hehe. FACEBOOK FACEBOOK FACEBOOK! Stupid unhip spell check. Get with the times!
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