Been a while since I posted, I know, but school and such, been meaning to post something earlier but turns out something big happened today, so what better day to start up than today!
Today DC Comics (Home of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash.... ect) has made history (kinda) by announcing, and launching, it’s long overdue Digital Comics Format.
Yes it’s true, Marvel was the first to launch its digital comics format more than a year ago. However, DC has something Marvel doesn't have. One of the things that set DC apart from Marvel is that DC has been very loyal to its creators. There are many characters that are creator owned. DC comics was one of the first publishers to pay Creators royalties for their work as opposed to just a flat fee (in other words, every time they sell a hundred or so comics, the creators get a check for a few bucks). This will continue into their Digital Platform. At the moment, that is the major difference between Marvel and DC digital at this time. That is also why DC was behind as far is throwing its hat into the digital comics ring. They wanted to make sure that the creators were properly compensated as far as digital sales go.
DC has partnered with Apple (for use on IPad, IPhone, and IPodTouch) and PlayStation Network, as well as Web based comiXology (which has a BUILT IN Store Locator!). Prices range from .99-2.99 and will include back issues, and select New issues (appearing on the site the same day their Paper counter parts appear on shelves.)These comics will be coming from DC Proper (the main DC line) as well as its Imprint Line Vertigo Comics, and it's Digital "test Run" Zuda Comics.
Now, what does this all mean for the comic book industry?
One thing, the Big Two have both officially entered the digital Market.
Second, and possibly the most important thing to happen, this gives people who would normally not read comics, the opportunity to wet their feet. I am a MAJOR comic book geek, but even I couldn't tell you where you could find a comic book store (I know of MAYBE two relatively close to me). So for a person who has no idea how to find a comic book store (or let’s face it, be caught dead in one) but has always loved, or been curious about comic books, this is ideal for them.
With both major comic book publishing companies now officially in the Digital world, this could mean a boost for the comic book industry as a whole. The X-Men and Iron Man franchise has been a hit in the box office, as well as the Batman re-boot. The DC Animated Universe (DCAU or Dini/Timm Verse) have been popular as far back as the late 90's. The popularity of Comics in the Television and in Film, have gotten people curious about the Industry. However, they have encountered the same problem, where to find them?
Finding and purchasing comic books has gotten much easier now. Hell, you can even do it in secret just like the old days! (Comic books used to be said to corrupt the Youth of America, I personally think thats bull, look at me... what? - See: Seduction of the Innocent). True comic book fans I think will always favor the printed versions, but for people who are casual readers, new to comic books, or just curious about them, this is an excellent way for them to explore and maybe encourage them to go out and find the real things.
Either way, weather we know it or not this is a big day for the comic book industry.
So yeah, take a peek at DC (and even Marvel's) Digital comics over at the ITunes store (or the Playstation Marketplace)come on, you know you wanna
here is the Demo for the App
Below is a preliminary list of the first few (of thousands) of comic books available for download (with over 100 issues being released every month):
Action Comics #844 (Johns/Donner, $1.99)
All Star Superman #1 ($1.99)
The Authority: World’s End #1 ($1.99)
Batman #404 (first part of Year One, $1.99)
Batman #608-613 (first six parts of Hush, $1.99 each)
Batman #655-656 (first two Grant Morrison issues, $1.99 each)
Batman Black & White (five stories, all free)
Bayou #1 (Zuda, free)
Dante’s Inferno #1-3 ($1.99 each)
Fables #1-5 ($1.99 each)
Fringe #0 (free)
Fringe #1-3 ($1.99 each)
Gen 13 #21: World’s End ($0.99)
Green Lantern #21 ($1.99)
Green Lantern #29 ($1.99)
Green Lantern Corps #14 ($1.99)
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6 ($1.99 each)
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1 ($1.99)
Jonah Hex #1-6 ($1.99 each)
Justice League: Generation Lost #1-3 ($1.99 each)
Justice League: Generation Lost #4 ($2.99)
The Losers #1-12 ($1.99 each)
Mirror’s Edge #0 (Free)
Mirror’s Edge #1-3 ($1.99 each)
The Origin of Batman #1 (free)
The Origin of Superman #1 (free)
Planetary #1-6 ($1.99 each)
Sandman #1 ($1.99)
Stormwatch: PHD #13: World’s End ($0.99)
Superman #700: Preview (free)
Superman/Batman #1-10 ($1.99 each)
Team Zero #1-6 ($0.99 each)
Tiny Titans #1-6 ($1.99 each)
The Unwritten #1 ($1.99)
Victorian Undead ($1.99)
Wildcats: World’s End #1 ($0.99)
Blogger's Note:
*Tiny Titans is ADORABLE!!!!*
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